The purpose of our Youth group mirrors that of our Church:
- Worship The Lord
- Disciple The Saved
- Care For Others
- Reach The Lost
We believe we are created to love God and love people. We strive to develop significant relationships among teenagers and adults that fulfill these purposes.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School program exists to provide ongoing Bible study. We are organized into 2 units. Seventh and eighth graders meet together and our High Schoolers meet together. We divide classes into gender and grade specific groups. Through our Sunday School we seek to instill a foundation of Biblical knowledge, create a habit of systematic lifelong Bible Study, and develop adult-youth relationships that encourage and instruct. We meet Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 AM in Youth Building
All Youth Sunday School is located in the B building
7th & 8th grade girls - Joanie Ballard
7th & 8th grade boys - Brian Ballard
9th & 10th grade girls - Janay Stargell
9th & 10th grade boys - Dan Gant
11th & 12th grade girls - Rose Harris and Lee Ellen Gaston
11th & 12th grade boys - Will Gray
All Youth Sunday School is located in the B building
7th & 8th grade girls - Joanie Ballard
7th & 8th grade boys - Brian Ballard
9th & 10th grade girls - Janay Stargell
9th & 10th grade boys - Dan Gant
11th & 12th grade girls - Rose Harris and Lee Ellen Gaston
11th & 12th grade boys - Will Gray

Where can I get more information?
We are often asked why more information doesn't come to parents. We send quite a bit out, but we are trying to get more info into parent's hands. Watch for mail outs, check the Sunday School Focus, weekly bulletin, screen announcements, and check the web page ( and follow the youth links. Also talk to your kids, they are getting info every Wednesday and Sunday.
How can I get involved?
Parents are always welcomed. We love to have them join us on Wednesday nights. We are also always looking for Bible study teachers and group leaders in various programs. Our third Wednesday night fellowships take a lot of work and help is always appreciated. Rhonda English heads those up and would love to have your assistance.
How about chaperones?
We have quite a few activities that require chaperones such as Centrifuge, day trips and many mission projects. We can't do these activities without the adults and always are excited to have new people join us. We know that to join us on a trip usually means taking time away from work and making other adjustments to your schedule. So as often as possible we try to provide for our chaperones to participate without paying the cost of the event. If you are interested in chaperoning an upcoming youth event please email me. (
Are guests welcomed on trips and activities?
Almost always! There may be a few times that the nature of an event restricts participants but that is not the norm.
We are often asked why more information doesn't come to parents. We send quite a bit out, but we are trying to get more info into parent's hands. Watch for mail outs, check the Sunday School Focus, weekly bulletin, screen announcements, and check the web page ( and follow the youth links. Also talk to your kids, they are getting info every Wednesday and Sunday.
How can I get involved?
Parents are always welcomed. We love to have them join us on Wednesday nights. We are also always looking for Bible study teachers and group leaders in various programs. Our third Wednesday night fellowships take a lot of work and help is always appreciated. Rhonda English heads those up and would love to have your assistance.
How about chaperones?
We have quite a few activities that require chaperones such as Centrifuge, day trips and many mission projects. We can't do these activities without the adults and always are excited to have new people join us. We know that to join us on a trip usually means taking time away from work and making other adjustments to your schedule. So as often as possible we try to provide for our chaperones to participate without paying the cost of the event. If you are interested in chaperoning an upcoming youth event please email me. (
Are guests welcomed on trips and activities?
Almost always! There may be a few times that the nature of an event restricts participants but that is not the norm.